Welcome to Great Commission Pentecostal Church.
We invite you to worship with us and believe you will find it a source of inspiration and encouragement. We look forward to meeting you in person at our services. We want to develop a relationship with you that brings about discipleship as we follow the commission God has given us to love as he loved and reach our world with the life-changing power of the gospel.
God has called us to minister to all people regardless of race, culture, religion, or any other dividing line as we realize that at the foot of the cross, we are all equal and the changes we desire in our lives start when we surrender our will to Jesus Christ; when we follow his prescription for a great life here and a greater eternity with him. We, with open arms, welcome you to begin or to continue your journey to a closer, deeper walk with God. We truly mean when we say, "We're here for you." May God richly bless you in every way.
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